December 20, 2001

Meta tag 101

I've read so much hype on "how to improve your position in the search engines" in the past few years. It's a fact that there isn't a "single" method to do so and even if that "magic formula" existed, it would have been long since been abused by unethical spammers. This article finally starts to tell the truth about meta tags:

meta keyword tag and search engine optimization

How many is too much?

I've never quite got an exact answer to this question, but how many virtual servers can you host on one Internet Information Server? This article attempts to answer that burning question:

ISP-Planet - What IIS the Limit?

Here is an interesting mini-tutorial on controlling your pop-up window using .ASP code:

HTML Pop Ups and ASP-Tutorials at

December 18, 2001

Windows XP is out and all the major PC manufactures are bundling this new OS with units being sold. According to some, there are major security issues with this new release:

Microsoft Does Not Understand Security

And here is Microsoft's official reponse to this issue:

Microsoft TechNet

Do you know who's trying to hack your server today?

Interesting article on some .ASP exploits. Don't automatically assume that those User ID's and passwords are safe inside your .ASP code:

ZDNet: Excuse Me, But Your ASP Is Showing

December 06, 2001

HTML 101

For those just getting started with coding HTML, this is a good resource (this "e-book" is in .PDF format - check out if you need the free Acrobat reader).

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners

Fool me once, shame on me...

Apparently disguising a worm/virus as a screen saver is an effective way of tricking people to click on an e-mail attachment:

Goner computer worm not a goner yet

Check your wallet...

One of the new trends on the web are authentication services for e-commerce. Not a big concern if you're not selling anything on the web, but for many web developers working on commercial web sites, it is.

As par for course, one software behemoth is trying to monopolize this technology by bundling it into their OS. But there is an alternative movement out there, the Liberty Alliance:

AOL joins Liberty Alliance

November 28, 2001

More .ASP tricks...

Ok, here's the project for the weekend: I want to create a form where readers can send feedback via e-mail from a web page.

On a Unix server it's done easily with the popular Perl script FormMail. But this web site is going to be hosted on NT, so what's the alternative? Let's explore a tutorial and read up on CDONTS:

WebmasterBase - Sending eMail in ASP

Stay tuned, more to follow on this project.

Are you giving away your e-mail address to spammers? Check out this article and then go tweek your OS Internet settings:

FTP Email Scam

November 20, 2001

Why I'll never buy Windows XP

Windows NT 4.0 and 2000 does everything I need it to do. I have legally purchased copies of NT 4.0 Server, NT 4.0 Workstation and upgraded my laptop by purchasing Windows 2000 Professional. I even have a very old '486 machine still running Windows 95, just for kicks. I have a copy of Office 97 installed on one of these computers and I've purchased a copy of Word 98 for my Macintosh. All in all, I've spent quite a bit of money with Microsoft and the software works just fine for what I use it for at home.

But now the line has been drawn. With the introduction of "product activation" and the amount of personal information you have to provide just to get your purchased software to work, I have decided to no longer follow the "upgrade trail." Under the new user agreement with Office XP, if I decided to un-install the software from my desktop PC and put it on my laptop instead, I would be denied.

Read more and decide for yourself: Boycott Microsoft!

Here's a list of good marketing tips for your web site or small business: Getting Noticed

Keep it simple or else...

Seems like an easy enough idea, until you try designing a site with all the bells and whistles that the client wants.

What's interesting about this article, the web site where I found it is so badly cluttered. Kind of ironic, don't you think?

November 08, 2001

Opera !! what a snazzy little browser especially for Macs and Unix ! It's just an all around great thing sans the java support, which can be downloaded as a seperate package. For the claims that blocks Opera I have not run into that yet. I can successfully go about anywhere on the net as any type of browser I like with the option to "identify as browser" setting in the preferences of Opera. You can select MSIE 5 and 3 other versions of Mozilla from the list and pretend to be someone you're not !! Netscape's home actually has given me more problems surfing than MSN has.

I still would suggest having this on the desktop for at least browser checking of page loads and JS handling :)

November 07, 2001

Kiss the Internet, as we know it, goodbye...

Maybe that's a strong statement, but evidence is growing that a certain software company is trying to dominate the web: shuts out non-Microsoft browsers -

The sad thing is, they state that the whole issue is support of the W3C XHMTL standard. Since when do we block browsers that don't support a selected standard? Hmmm...interesting concept. That would certainly make life easier for web designers if we could just simply say "use browser X or you don't get to use this site!"

For a different angle on the same topic, check out this story: - Opera Blasts Microsoft in MSN Browser Battle

November 05, 2001

The battle between form and function...

In many jobs, one person may have to wear many hats and that's very true in the web biz. This article discusses such issues and may help one to find that "sweet spot" somewhere in the middle:
Designers vs. Programmers, Calling a Truce (Web Techniques, Nov 2001)

October 21, 2001

Wow, how long has it actually been. Bad, bad, bad !!! Ok let's get to brass tacks. SSI (Server Side Includes) can be such a great thing for large sites. There are several different kinds of SSI, but here tonight it will be the file includes used in ASP.

The great things about these includes are that you can take chuncks of HTML and create an .inc(short for include) file. These .inc files can be inserted into an .asp page which recreate that specific chunk of html. can show you how its done with examples.

Now briefly I wanted to talk about the advantages of SSI. In an enterprise wide Web site there are certain areas of each page that are commonly duplicated for redundancy throughout the site. Such items could be a search function or the actual navigation area on each page. These items can be included as a SSI file and when changes need to be made globally, only the .inc files needs to be modified. Can you imagine changing 1400 pages of HTML without SSI or Content Management tool? SSI can help you do it fast.

Another great link for further information is located at

More on SSI soon...

October 17, 2001

Has Microsoft lost it's marbles?

I'm sorry, but if a Operating System has to pester you to sign-up for a non-OS related service, that's just wrong. I usually don't like to be negative about anything, but I say "boycott XP" until they remove the blatent marketing ploys.

Windows XP: Battle over the Internet

October 11, 2001

Database Goldmine

The web has long since moved from a static HTML format to a dynamic, constantly changing medium. I dare say, if you don't have some database experience on your resume, you're going to be at a disadvantage.

So, everything you've wanted to know, but were afraid to ask, right here:

Your Guide To Building Database Driven Websites

October 04, 2001

I've hit the motherlode! :) Free open source Flash for everyone!

October 03, 2001

Other than the author's personal opinion that Outlook doesn't belong on your PC, this article does provide some useful info on how Nimda works. If you do use Outlook, check out the tips on making it more secure and less vunerable to attack.

ZDNet: Ban Outlook--now

Is your web server on the list?

If you don't keep up with the latest security issues, you're just asking to be hacked. Plain and simple nowadays. Scan this list to make you sure you haven't missed something really obvious that could leave you open to attack:

News: FBI names 20 most-wanted security flaws

September 26, 2001

Oh, that nimble Nimda

Another new month, a new security problem. I've already heard three horror stories about "nimda" today. So, for both the PC user and System Administrator, here's the scope on what you need to do to protect yourself:

Microsoft TechNet: Information on the "Nimda" Worm

P.S. Yes, I've kept up on the patches so randompsycho's server should be "nimba-free" - let's hope so anyway.

Is the "nimda" worm the final straw?

ZDNet: Time to abandon the Microsoft IIS ship!

Running Greymatter on Windows NT

If anyone has tried searching the Noah Grey site for help on installing Greymatter, you know it's like the proverbial needle in the haystack. One kind person has compiled all the tips and hints that you need to know to get Greymatter running on IIS:

Greymatter help for NT hosts

and another good tutorial here:

� zeddy�net � .:: Greymatter tutorial ::.

September 24, 2001

Search Engine Basics

Getting your web site listed on the major search engines has always been an art form. Brush up on some of the basics concepts here:

Search Engine Strategies

September 14, 2001

God Bless America
Experts are anticipating an increase in hacks and other destructive activity on the Internet in the wake of Tuesday's terrorist acts:

FBI issues cyberthreat advisory

A sneaky DNS trick delivers a mass web site hack:

Tasteless hack leaves web users fuming

September 12, 2001

I would like to personally offer my condolences to everyone that was affected by yesterday's atrocities.

Let the games begin...

Three new top level domains (TLD) are going up for sale and there is an expected rush to stake a claim in these new territories. There is already some controversy over the handling of the ".info" sunrise period with several cybersquatters being able to bypass the system and claim hundreds of domain names.

One important note, ICANN decided not to restrict the already well developed ".org" TLD to just non-profit organizations.

Icann unveils new domain names

September 10, 2001

Not-so-stupid Web tricks

One of the little tricks we've talked about here is how to do those nifty little pop-up windows. They serve a good purpose when you need to pull up a graphic or page in a separate window and still allow your reader to stay on the parent page. But, as with all good things, someone will think of a way to exploit it. Thus the use of "exit pop-ups" using onunload javascript event. The worse offenders are the scripts that spawn a new page that again spawns another page, on into infinity.

Finally, I have run across a way to defeat these pesty little scripts:

Pop-ups from hell

Have you noticed that I post most things on Monday morning? I have no clue why - it just seems to work out that way. Maybe it's just my way of getting back into the swing of things after the weekend.

So, what's a web site without some database functionality? Even has it's meager little forum, which is of course DB driven. Take a look at some of the tools that are available for building that dynamic database driven site:

The Best WYSIWYG Web Database Tools

Clients, what clients?

Back in the day when I used to have clients to do web sites for, I encountered more than my share of wacky people. When I ran across this story, it was like "oh yeah, I've been there" - so, check it out and have a little chuckle:

Web Building Clients From Hell

September 05, 2001

More ASP

This site seems to be just getting started, but they have a decent FAQ section and CodeLibrary. Have a favorite piece of ASP code you'd like to share? You might make a little extra cash while doing so.

Welcome to Active Server Corner


This site is "Question and Answer" nirvana! I was so impressed with the information and resources they provide, I added them to the "Tools" section. Covered in detail is ASP, C#, SQL, VB XML and a special section for developer Gurus. Definately "bookmark" worthy. - The Web Developers Index

Get Toasted

If you've been a visitor here in the past, you'll notice something new over on the left navigation bar. We've added a forum section so that you can post questions and comments about various web-related topics.

So, let's talk about adding a forum to your web site. The package we installed is Toast 1.5, a free ASP based message board: To run this software, you'll need a Windows IIS capable of serving up Active Server Pages (.asp), support for Access 97/2000 databases and SMTP installed to send e-mail via CDONTS or other mail object. The "readme.txt" states that you can install Toast in three easy steps and there isn't a step three. reality it took more than three steps, but I got it going eventually.

The biggest snag that I encountered was that my WinNT 4.0 box didn't have the most recent version of VBscript installed. This resulted in a "Unknown scripting language" error.

Since the documentation was pretty skimpy (a FAQ stating some specifics would have been nice), I had to poke around Toast's own forum to find a clue. Now, maybe it's just me, but I usually don't appreciate having to read through a few dozen posts trying to find what I need. If you need Windows Script ver. 5.5 then just say so. Ok, end of complaint.

So, once I got past that hurdle, the rest of the setup was fairly straight forward. I was surprised to find that the product supported several mailing objects and fortunately one that I had already installed on the server. The rest is history.

So, click on the forums link and post a note while you're here.

August 27, 2001

Taking a dive into GoLive

This week I have to build a new web site for a non-profit organization. So, it's time to use my recently purchased copy of Adobe's GoLive and try it out. What better way to get a head start than to check out some tutorials:

20 Tips for GoLive 5.0

As Microsoft releases Windows XP to OEM's this week, the real debate isn't about the Dept. of Justice's case against MS, it is about how many new security holes are going to be created with this new version. If you're going to upgrade, you better be prepared to stay current with any security patches that are released.

One of my favorite sites for security tips and hints is over at Gibson Research:
The GRC.COM Denial of Service Pages
Do you know where that web page has been?

I've heard about web pages that contain malicious JavaScript before. Stick that in an HTML based e-mail and you've got the latest ploy to screw up a Windows PC.

News: Trojan horse breaks Windows PCs

August 18, 2001

Today I'm trying out the latest and greatest in browsers: Netscape 6.1 (Mac version). I'll admit, it's looking pretty good. It is even behaving well with those "bleeding edge" CSS sites (oh, you know the ones).

Now, if you're one of those that just have to have the latest, check it out here.

Random link of the day...

Think you're getting away with something by using the latest P2P file swapping software? Well, nothing in life is free. Here's an excellent example: The parasite economy

August 17, 2001

I wonder how that web site looks like in Netscape 4?

I guess it's just been second nature to me, since I've always tried to create web pages that are cross-browser compatible. Here at the "randompsycho computer lab," I run PC IE versions 2, 4, 5, Netscape 4 and 6; Mac IE 5, Netscape 4; Unix Netscape 4 and Lynx. Heck, if you can design a web page that looks half way decent in IE 2 and Lynx, you've accomplished something [big grin].

For a good introduction to design testing, check out this article:

WebmasterBase - Step-by-Step Web Testing

August 15, 2001

What will they think of next?

Some sources are saying that Windows XP will be ready to ship this fall. Although there are lots of little details yet to be worked out, one feature directly effects web designers.

It seems that IE6 has "Smart Tags" built in - the browser scans the web page you are viewing and spots words and phrases that might be related to a Microsoft product or service. It then creates a hyperlink to the appropriate MS site where you can make a purchase. Not a very good thing if you happen to have a web page about a service/product that competes with Microsoft, now is it?

The good news is that the web coder can disable smarts tags:

The Register - Banish those WinXP, IE6 smart tag blues!

Even better news is that MS has decided now to leave Smart Tags turned off when it releases XP:

Microsoft shuts off smart tags - 2001-07-02 - The Business Journal of Portland

Still, you might want to include the meta tag that disables them if you have a commercial site and definately don't want competitive links cropping up on your web pages. After all, there are all those beta versions of IE6 and XP floating around.

August 13, 2001

Ok, if you still haven't applied that patch to your Windows NT or Win2K web server, here's another reason why you should:

Web Develepor News - New Worm On the Loose
Why ask why?

Sure, lots of new, cool, hip web sites are using Flash. But should someone stop and examine the reasons why before going that route? Is being "cool" just for the sake of being cool really a good thing?

Take a look at these tips for usability:

Create a Usable Flash Site

Macromedia - Flash: Usability Tips

Digital Future

This story is probably old news to some. But, in this month's Web Techniques magazine, Lincoln Stein explores some issues brought up in the wake of the Kaycee blog fiasco.

Can't Believe My Eyes (Web Techniques, Sep 2001)

August 06, 2001

Let's talk accessibility...

Both owlick and sarah have mentioned this topic in previous posts. For someone just beginning to create web pages, there is no better way to have an accessible site than to plan it into the design from the very beginning.

The Standard: Sites for the Blind

August 05, 2001

Putting it all together...

I was so interested in bugz and owlick's previous posts, that I decided to put it all together into a little script.

First, I'd like to give credit to HTML Goodies and O'Reilly's Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference as source material.

Ok, let's start off with a few ground rules. We want to preload our images and use two functions to swap the buttons. Let's call these functions 'mouseOn' and 'mouseOff' (when you write your own script, you can name the functions anything you want to). We're also going to use the same name that bugz created for this rollover: pic1 (again, you can choose any name you want, in fact, to use the script on more than one rollover button, you can use different names).

The entire script goes into the <Head> section of your web page.

<script language="JavaScript">
//Preloading the images and setting the width and height
Image1= new Image(140,130)
Image1.src= "bubble1.gif"
Image2= new Image(140,130)
Image2.src= "bubble2.gif"

//Defining the two functions
function mouseOn()
document.pic1.src= Image2.src; (look familiar?)
return true;

function mouseOff()
document.pic1.src= Image1.src;
return true;


Then, somewhere in your page, use this anchor tag to call the functions:
<a href="yourURL.htm" onMouseOver="mouseOn()" onMouseOut="mouseOff()">
<img name="pic1" src="bubble1.gif" width="140" height="130" border="0"> </a>

Click here to see an example

P.S. bugz, I only had to edit this post 8 times :p

August 04, 2001

One good thing to look at when creating image rollovers is the pre-load function. This will help eliminate the time it takes for the images to swap out during onMouseover and onMouseout events. Even though all the images get loaded during the initial visit it takes no time to swap them due to the fact they are in cache.

You can use this for as many images as needed.

The following code needs to be placed in the <head> section of the page with the rollovers:

image1 = new Image();
image1.src = "image1.gif";

image2 = new Image();
image2.src = "image2.gif";
Image Rollover's

Ahh, the image rollover. To clue you in on me, I just learned alot of JavaScript last night with some tutorial's, so if I can learn it, you can too.

Ok the first thing you need is 2 images.. preferably the same size, once you have that you're ready to start.

You should recognize this tag

<a href=""><img src="bubble1.gif" name="pic1"></a>

That by itself does not make an Image Rollover, You need a little more added to it, shown below we added the onMouseOver event, this event happens when the user moves over the image with the mouse.

<a href="" onMouseOver=""><img src="bubble1.gif" name="pic1"></a>

Now just that alone will not make it work either, the JavaScript has to know what image to change so we'll add that part now..

<a href="" onMouseOver="document.pic1.src='bubble2.gif'"><img src="bubble1.gif" name="pic1"></a>

Ok now that will change it to the graphic, it wont change it back when the mouse moves away from it though, I'll add the OnMouseOut event, which is in the event of the user moving the mouse off the image.

<a href="" onMouseOver="document.pic1.src='bubble2.gif'" onMouseOut="document.pic1.src='bubble1.gif'"><img src="bubble1.gif" name="pic1"></a>

Now that should work for you, if it doesnt make sure check your quotes. Anything that uses quotes inside our events (OnMouseOver,OnMouseOut) must single quotes, ' <-- like so, Well i hope I helped you into rollover heaven. Here's an example :))

Ok, after I gave Darrell the link to the tutorial's, he then said 'post it on the log too' so here ya go!

JavaScript Primers

Ok, now since I've edited this post about 9 times now, I think that's enough. hehe :))

August 03, 2001

For all of you IIS sys admins...

I have to admit, I'm partial to NT and IIS, but I also manage a web site running on Linux too. It's just I never have any problems to talk about with the Linux server (big grin).

Here's the latest on IIS and that pesty little worm:
Internet Watchers: Code Red Impact Minimized

Tomorrow will be the last day for the Blog-a-thon log. I'll be editing out the non-web design related posts, but leaving the links and tutorials.

For the sake of prosperity, you will still be able to read the entire 24-hours worth of ramblings in the Archives section.

July 31, 2001

Automagically generate your own hexadecimal color codes!

Since there seemed to be a little hexadecimal color code trend on this page for a little while, I thought I'd continue the tradition with a little something I found called Colormat 3001. By dragging the sliders there you can generate all the colors you could want to use on a website. go to and click on the Colormat link. .. i won't make a direct link to it because if you poke around more on Yaromat you'll find quite a few Dreamweaver extensions and even a Java Macintosh emulator, just for fun.
Worms, worms, everywhere...

Oh, will the madness ever end? Just in case you haven't already heard about this latest e-mail worm, here's a good article with some instructions on how to eliminate this pesty bug. - Sircam Worm: Crawling Fast but Easily Crushed

July 30, 2001

Ok, I'm a new guy so i should start off by saying 'burrito.'

Anyway, since this is a web design theme, I like coding languages, like PHP right now, so I dug up a link to a help file. Yea it's on PHP's site, but hey now it's even easier to learn.

All you gotta do is get the manual (well and read some). Also find a free php host to learn on, ok so it's alot. Bear with me on this.

More colors...

Here's an even better table of hexideximal color codes:

Webmonkey Color Codes

(Thanks Ellen, for the link)
All the colors of the rainbow...

Handy chart for getting those hexidecimal codes for various colors.

RGB Color Codes and Names

The morning after...

Things are now back to normal after the Blog-a-thon.

Of course, the big news of the day is the impending destruction of the Internet by the Code Red worm (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit).

Code Red Alert

July 29, 2001

Thank you!

Well, that's it for the 24-hour Blog-a-thon. Thank you very much for those that sponsored me.

One last CSS post...

Here's one more good tutorial, the basics of CSS tags - the who, what, when and why!

Step 1: The Layout - CSS in 7 Easy Steps

More on CSS...

Did I create more questions than I answered? Here is a basic tutorial to look over:

Anthony's Cascading Style Sheets 2 Tutorial

CSS in detail

Let's look at a two-column layout on (ALA style):

body { margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; } <-- nothing tricky here, just establishing the margins as zero pixels

#leftcontent { <-- we're setting the width of the column, borders and margins
border-right:2px solid #000;
border-bottom:2px solid #000;

#rightcontent {

p,h1,pre { <--- defining some text elements
margin:0px 30px 10px 30px;

h1 {

#rightcontent p { <--- establishing the right column

Ok, so we stash this code in the "head" section of a web page and then set it with two "div" sections, one each for the left and right columns.

Here is the example (be sure and look at the source code)

More CSS

Next, let's surf over to and look at a couple more layouts. From here, we'll pick a two column page and start looking at it more closely.

The Layout Reservoir - BlueRobot

CSS Layouts

Strap yourself in with the seatbelt, because here we go with the last tutorial.

So, you want a two or more columns on your web page. Frames don't play well with the search engines, and your tables just don't spark any interest. Well, let's examine using CSS to do the layout.

Start here and read up on some good code by Eric Costello: : CSS layout techniques

Three more hours to the Blog-a-thon! My final tutorial will be on developing a two-column page layout using CSS (not frames or tables).

I will be refering to a couple of other excellent sources and then analysing the code bit by bit, to better understand the process.

Stay tuned!

Modifying your windows...

Ok, we've got the basic link down, now let's add some more of the options. Let's add the scrollbar and the location:

a href="javascript:void'beach.html', 'Sample2', 'width=340,height=260,scrollbars=1,location=1');"

Click here to test it

Opening new windows, continued...

So, there's the traditional method, but let's say you want more control over that new "child" window that you're opening. Knowing the attributes that you can control from the tutorial below, you can control the height, width, turn the toolbar on and off, etc.

And, if it is a one time deal, you can get by with something very simple. Just use the command in your anchor tag:
a href="javascript:void'/images/beach.jpg', 'Sample1', 'WIDTH=340,HEIGHT=260');"

Click here to try it

Opening up links in a new window

The next item on my list of topics. We've touch on this a tad bit, with the pop up windows. There is the classic method, using the "target" attribute of the anchor tag.

a href="" target="_blank" <-- opens the link in a brand new browser.

But, you can control what parts of the browser you want to use in your new window. Take a look at this article:

Popup Tutor

(if you clicked on this, you got a new browser, ie. _blank was the target)

Putting it to the test...

Ok, let's combine the two previous tutorials and create a pop up window with a colored scroll bar.

Click here to test it and then check out the source code.

Scrollbar finale...

If the previous two sites weren't enough, this handy little tool creates the CSS code for you.

Copy and paste and violia! You've got your scrollbars!

Scrollbar Color Properties
Scroll bars continued...

And again, here's another good article.

Fabulous tropical scroll bars for IE 5.5 - Web Building -

Customizing the browser scroll bar...

You know you want them - those spiffy colored, funky scroll bars that only the
coolest web sites have. Let's walk through it step by step.

First off, let's visit this site for an introduction:

ZDNet: Help & How-To: Colored scroll bars

Browser wars...

Here is a good discussion on designing for all flavors of web browsers:

Web Page Design for Designers - Razzmatazz

Pop Up Windows, conclusion...

Now, we need to use this script somewhere in your page and pass along to it the "getURL" value that you want to use.
Where you want to create the link to your popup, use this:

<a href="javascript:openWindow('myURL')"> Click here for your popup </a>

Of course, substitute the actual address for 'myURL' and away you go!

July 28, 2001

Pop Up Windows continued...

So, did the tutorial tell you everything you need to know? Probably not. It took me a few times to get it to sink in.

Ok, at the core of what we are trying to do is the "" command in Javascript. How we're going to use it is in a "function" (ie. a script defined with a name and given a specific task to do). Not to reiterate all the basics of putting together a script (you usually put it in the "HEAD" section of the web page), let's start building our script.

I'm going to name this function "openWindow" (for obvious reasons) and we're going to pass a variable to the function, named "getURL" - why? So we can reuse the function and define what page we want to open on each occasion. In addition, we're going to define the size of the window in height and width.

<script language="javascript">

function openWindow(getURL)



more to follow...

Tutorial numero uno...

Ok, let's delve into the first tutorial for the night. Let's go step-by-step into developing
a Javascript window popup.

First, a link to the basics:

Thau's JavaScript Tutorial

PSP tricks...

One particular feature in Paint Shop Pro that I like is the ability to capture screenshots. It's handy for making cool graphics using elements from a program window or making a graphic from your desktop.

Here's a snapshot from my computer.

Pictures, continued...

Now, you've got yourself a spiffy new digital camera. Now what? Well, you need to resize and touch up your photographs with a decent graphics program. Personally, I like Paint Shop Pro:

Jasc Software

It is fairly inexpensive (compared to Photoshop, et al.), easy to use and there are lots of books written about it.

For use on a web page, you want to optimize the photo so that it doesn't take 3 hours to view. You can usually get decent quality at 256 colors and a picture size of about 320x240 pixels. Try to keep your photo to around 15k - 25k in size and your viewers won't complain about waiting forever for your pics to load.

Let's talk pictures...

For the next few posts, let's take a look at digital photos and getting them on the web.

For a little background, check out this site for some general info:

Ars Technica: Digital Photography: Today and Tomorrow

Host your own...

For those of you that are running your own web server, either at work or for personal use, this site is a great place to hang out and discuss server-related issues:


Status Check

During the blog-a-thon, I'm using the following:

  • Web Log: Blogger (of course)

  • HTML Editor: HTML-Kit

  • IM Chat: AIM, nickname HDDarrell

  • IRC: DALnet, #virginia and, #blog

  • Food: Dreamery Ice Cream

  • Liquids: Water and Beer

  • Photos: Olympus D-220L Digi-cam

  • Graphics: Paint Shop Pro

Too much information?

It's all relative...

Some what related to the previous post, you have to be aware of your links and how everything fits together. What am I talking about, you ask?

Well, anchor links can be either relative or absolute. Let's say all your web pages and images are in one big happy directory (ie. folder, sub-directory - ya know what I mean). You can link to them, relative to your present position (ok, the location of the file from where you are linking): src="./filename.jpg" - or just src="filename.jpg" - ./ being the same directory you're in. Say the file is in a sub-directory under your current directory. Then use src="./subdirectoryname/filename.jpg" - or of course, src="subdirectoryname/filename.jpg"

What if the file is in a directory "above" your current directory? Still possible, just use src="../filename.jpg" - where then ../ is referering to the upwards directory.

Ok, what if the file is no where in your directory tree? Oh my gosh, you're out of luck! No, just kidding. That's where absolute links come into play.

For example, you want to display a picture that is located on a friends web site. You would then use the full URL in your anchor: src="" - depending on the location of location of the file at the other server, of course.

Ok, so I'm sure I made that as clear as mud.

I've got a web page, now what do I do?

Ok, you've learned a little HTML, you have put together 5 or 6 web pages for your site. How do I get it on the Internet? That's got to be the second most asked question that I get.

If you've got an Internet Service Provider (ISP), you probably got some free web space with your account. Check with your ISP for specifics, but you'll need to use the infamous "File Transfer Protocol" (FTP for short) to send the web pages to a server.

For personal use at home, I've grown to like WS_FTP. There is a free version for non-commercial use:

Free Stuff

Quite a few HTML editing programs have some type of FTP tool built in. Front Page, for example, has a "web publishing tool" which is just another way of saying that you're sending the files to the server via FTP.

Welcome to the Blog-a-thon, random-style!

Well, I've got on my official t-shirt, taken a short nap and now we're ready to roll.

How basic to start out? To be fair, let's start with a link to some HTML 101:

Yale Style Manual

Particularily, look over the sections on site design and structure. Quite a few questions that I get are at that level. Issues like "how do you link the whole site together?" and "how do you get around from one page to another?" require some forethought. Take a moment and sketch out your site, before you even start writing the first page of HTML. Any planning you put into your design beforehand will pay off big later.

July 27, 2001

Tomorrow is the big day!

The 24-hour Blog-a-thon starts at noon pacific time, so that translates to 3 p.m. here on the east coast. I *thought* that I'd be all prepared and have some tutorials already worked out and ready to go, but no. So, be sure and visit several times this weekend and see how incoherent I can be!

And to make things even more fun, I've added a chat link over in the right hand column. Pop in and visit for a spell. I'll be glad to take any suggestions or requests about topics that could be posted here.

Tutorials that I'm working on for the event:

  • Pop-up windows

  • Customizing the browser scroll bar

  • Opening links in a new window

  • Cascading Style Sheet two column page layout

July 24, 2001

Vector Fun!
I saw a website not too long ago that i thought was really cool. This guy takes Flash vector graphics to a whole new level and he shows you how to do it too! Never thought you could draw a photorealistic tomato in Flash? Now you can.

Vector Kid

July 23, 2001

On a side note, I ran across this little tidbit while reading through the previous stories. Everything you would ever want to know about web server packages, but were afraid to ask.

ZDNet: Enterprise: Servers Homepage

From the "for what it's worth" department...

I've gotten into many a discussion over Unix vs. NT web servers. The truth is, the track record for Internet Information Server (IIS) hasn't been great.

News: IT bugs out over IIS security

And add this to the list of reported bugs:

News: Web at risk from new MS flaw

Not to forget the patch you need to fix the problem:

Microsoft Bulletins

July 14, 2001

MORE... on 508 compliance

508 compliance... ewww, did I just say that?? eGov was in Washington DC early last week (July 9, 10, 11) and aside from some interesting words from Larry Ellison (CEO Oracle), Macromedia was showing off their set of Dreamweaver and UltraDev extensions for 508 compliance.

Of all of the tips and tricks I received from them the most important and most valuable was that there is a huge difference between compliance and accessibility. As of this time only government sites will be held accountable for compliance of 508. Being in compliance will almost assure your site is accessible to those impaired, but it is not neccessary and should not be!

The goal of good web design should be the accessibility part. I personally do not see any other reason for 508 besides for the lawyers to make a huge lump of money as people start suing sites for non-compliance. BLAH!!! If the site is accessible in the first place then compliance will never come up! I am more than guilty on many, many occassions of not creating accessible sites. is the prime example but steps are being made to change this and I suggest Macromedia extensions!! They are great, and there are 11 or so of them that can be found at

The UseableNet suite is the best one so sign up, become a responsible web designer and make your content engineers and web masters happy !!

July 13, 2001

Enhance your chi...

Maybe you've heard of feng shui or maybe not. Either way, this is a new perspective on web design worth a look. Maybe it will help provide a new balance and harmony to your new project.

Borrowed brilliance - Web Shui

July 11, 2001

It's official now...

Yes, I've thrown my hat in the ring and signed up for the 24-hour Blogathon. Give me a shout if you'd like to be a sponsor. So far, four kind people have agreed to do so.

Charity of choice, RAINN - the national sexual assault hotline. They have local centers where I live, including New Directions and Citizens Against Sexual Assault (CASA).

Of course, I'll be posting comments, tips and tutorials on web design. Probably toss in a few web server tricks too. Stay tuned!

July 09, 2001

It's for a good cause...

Stay up late and write in your blog every 30 minutes. Get friends to sponsor you and make a donation to your favorite charity.


July 06, 2001

hey everyone... my new site is up at go visit! sign the guestbook! say hi!

July 05, 2001

Ok, I'm a little on the slow side, but better late than never. Greetings to our newest team member, Richard !!! He's already posted on the daily log and will soon be putting up a new web site right here on!

More Flash info than you can shake a stick at...

Welcome to

July 03, 2001

According to this site, 53 Internet companies shutdown last month. Interesting read, for those involved in web design professionally.

I'm sure someone has already thought of this in the real world. [smile]

What will they think of next?

News: Hackers learning to can spam

Anyone want good Photoshop and Illustrator Tutorials?

For the best tutorials I've seen in a long time, (they're even downloadable in .pdf format), go here:

July 02, 2001

The future of web publishing?

Competition is a good thing. For those interested in the "big picture" and web based publishing, read on:

ZDNet: Enterprise: What's the Net worth of Adobe's cross-media scheme?

P.S. Speaking of Adobe, I recently purchased their GoLive editing software. More comments and reviews to follow. Stay tuned!

Looking for free web hosting? Check out this list. Happy hunting!

ZDNet: d e v e l o p e r: Personal Web Hosts

June 18, 2001

June 11, 2001

Polls!!!!!!! So you want a poll on your site? here is a free one from Survey Solutions. A nice make too if I must say. Have fun and don't poke your eye out/
Everything you wanted to know about...

Flash - the latest "buzz" in web design. For the newbie, this is a good place to start:

WebmasterBase : Tutorials : Flash

Ok, after checking out a few tutorials, you're ready to dive in. But, not everyone has the ca$h to buy Flash 5. Not to worry, check out the "Tools" sidebar and download SWiSH. Try your had with the shareware and then go from there.

June 07, 2001

Update your anti-virus software... Hoax virus back - this time for real

Just when you thought it was safe to check your e-mail.

June 03, 2001

Over the past few months a lot of information about Microsoft NT vulnerabilities has surfaced from both the Commercial and Private sectors of the internet. Steve Gibson of has a nifty little tool that will check for patches applied to NT servers running Internet Information Server to see whether the appropriate patches have been applied to them accordingly. This tool is called PatchWork and it a very nice thing to have... If you own a server on the net I suggest downloading this little puppy and running it against your server !! Can anyone say RAMBLE ON YOUNG MAN !!!

You know, the Internet, the web in particular, is the most easily self-taught medium I've ever seen. There is endless material for anyone that wants to learn.

W3Schools Online Web Tutorials

Active Server Page resources

This site is worth a visit. For beginners, there is a good introduction to working with Active Server Pages. For those ready to jump in knee deep they have a free GuestBook script and many other samples to toy around with.

DevASP for ASP developers

May 31, 2001

Random link of the day...

You could easily spend a couple of hours wandering around this site. Flash tutorials, Sound FX, loops, software reviews, Flash movies (with source code) and more...

Flash Kit - A Flash Developer Resource

May 25, 2001

If you've ever wanted to be cool and do DHTML, then Dynamic Drive is the place for you. I personally dig the sliding menu, pop up info boxes, and so much more!

May 24, 2001

Learn to make Javascript mouse rollovers with preloading of images. Article is great and has good explainations of why it should be done and code for you to copy. Check it out

May 22, 2001

Why am I up at 2 a.m. reading this stuff? I'd recommend taking a look at what they have to say, though.

The Web Standards Project: Fighting for Standards in our Browsers

More CSS than you can shake a stick at...

Take a look at these style sheets - generously offered to the public. Definately some great examples to learn from.

The Layout Reservoir - BlueRobot

It's a done deal...

Ok, I'm a couple days late reading about this, but ICANN closed the deal with VeriSign. Now we have to wait and see what they plan to do with the .org domains.

U.S. Approves VeriSign-ICANN Web Domain Deal

May 21, 2001

Go Gonzo with templates!

Spend some time looking through their collection. They have hundreds of free templates to download, play with, learn from.

Free web site design templates from JimWORLD

Flash on a budget...

Want to delve into Flash a little deeper but don't have the ca$h to buy the full version? Check out this tool for creating animations...registered version is only 30 bucks.

SWiSH - Create Flash without Flash

May 16, 2001

Speaking about FREEWARE .. an HTMLeditor I highly recommend --- Have fun !
Free is good...

Here's a list of free style sheet editors. Spiff up your site using CSS, even if you're on a tight budget (or just plain broke).

Style Sheet Editors -- free software brought to you by

Here's another look at adding a favorites icon to your web page:

How to Add a Shortcut Icon to a Web Page

And another tutorial:

So, You Want Your Own Bookmark Icon, Huh?

There, that should satisfy any normal person's curiousity.

May 15, 2001

May 10, 2001

Try your hand at building your own Flash animation at this site. Includes three "free" templates and several "pay-to-download" designs.

Flash Blaster

May 07, 2001

"Professionals steal, amateurs borrow" TS Eliot

Truely a man before his time.

May 05, 2001

Here's an interesting quote from this article: "...high-octane designers are hungry for work. And the hunger strike has no set date with a smorgasbord on the other end." More food for thought... Macromedia Goes Down in a Flash

That didn't take long...

IIS 5.0 anyone?

InternetNews - Web Developer News - First Remote IIS 5 Root Exploit In The Wild

May 03, 2001

One word: Optimize

Here's a quote from this article "almost 90% of US households access the Web using 56K or slower connections" - so why do some designers have the illusion that all of their users are connected to fast T1 lines?

Read more: Faster, Faster

May 02, 2001

Browser Neutral...

This blends both accessibility and cross-browser compatibility issues. Be sure to check out the Site Design Guide for useful tips.

Viewable with Any Browser Campaign

Here's a simple JavaScript for your visitors to bookmark your site. I'd add a small graphic as a button that says something like "Bookmark me" (of course, that's just my opinion). - free java scripts, java applets!

May 01, 2001

Random link of the day...

Looking for a cheap domain registration? This ICANN accredited registrar has the lowest price that I've seen so far.

Go Daddy Software

April 30, 2001

Random topic of the day...

Let's build some web pages using .asp - first assignment, if you should chose to accept it, is to read up on the basics:

WebmasterBase - Getting Started with ASP

Now, you've read the tutorial and it's time to create a simple page using .asp

We're going to do something similiar, but slightly different than the example given (just to make a point that there are many ways to write your script and still have the same end result).

In my example, the code is embedded in the middle of a HTML paragraph:
<p align="center"> Greetings! The time is exactly <% Response.Write Time %> on this server. </p>

Click here for the sample page (go ahead and peak at the source code too).

When you're ready, read on to something more advanced:

WebmasterBase - ASP Language Basics

Random link of the day...

A brief overview on how spiders work and how you can benefit from them.

TECHNOLOGY: Are Web Spiders Beneficial?

April 28, 2001

April 26, 2001

Kudos to Sarah for bringing up the issue of web site accessibility! I recently joined the HWG AWARE Center as a volunteer.

The "Accessible Web Authoring Resources and Education" Center is a great resource for learning more about this important topic.

AWARE Center Homepage -- HTML Writers Guild

April 24, 2001

Random link of the day...

Is that web site you're designing this month a target for a lawsuit? Which software package did you use to create your graphics? Food for thought.

Burn All GIFs

April 23, 2001

Another random link... Button monkey?

Random links of the day...

An interesting concept, which I suppose evolved from The Blair Witch Project, is being used to promote a movie being released this summer, A.I.. Now, the official movie web site doesn't really provide much information, neither does the Dream Works fan site. But, apparently there was a clue in the trailer and billboards promoting the movie, which led you to call a phone number, which led you to... Well, you get the idea. Curious? Check out this guide (caution: the guide gives away most of the clues, so don't read too far if you want to try and follow the trail on your own).

So, what does all of this have to do with web design? Well, is this a new genre of entertainment? Is it a big waste of bandwidth and network resources? Is it a good way to promote a product? Food for thought.

April 21, 2001

Hey everybody! This is my first post :-) It's nice to be on board.

For those who don't know, April is Accessibility Awareness month....visit the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative page, to learn more about making your web site accessible! Contrary to popular belief, accessible web sites do not have to be completely text based, and they can, in fact, be very visually appealing. The more you learn about accessibility, the more you'll find that making a site accessible really involves coding properly. This means not misusing tags to achieve special effects, and most of all, learning to separate layout from content. More accessibility links from me are on the stay tuned!
Random topic of the day...

Let's talk popup windows and see if we can get those pesty little boxes to work the way you want them to. For example, the one I'm using on this page (see the left border) doesn't seem to work on a Macintosh, but it's just dandy in a browser running under Windows (go figure).

Let's start with a couple of tutorials:

Crashcourse in JavaScript - Part One: Pop Up Windows

Web Resources | Tutorials | JavaScript | Popup Tutor

More detail and a little bit of troubleshooting:

Managing JavaScript "popup" windows //codestore

This describes a popup that loads automatically when someone views your page:

Smart Computing | HTML JavaScript Popup

Shoot, why try and figure it out on your own? This script by Michael Wieck does all the work for you:

JavaScript Popup Window Code Generator

Here's the code I get when I use Michael's script:

<a href="'linktous.html', 'SiteWindow', 'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width=400,height=400')">

Link to Us

Click it and see if it works. :)

So, have you figured out how to do it? Here is what I finally came up with, and yes, it works in both Windows and Macintosh browsers. :)

Random Geek link of the day...

Microsoft Kills SP7 for NT4

April 20, 2001

Well it feels wonderful being part of such a great organization! I hope I can contribute to this site as much as I can :D And Darrell.. if you want a layout done for this blog, let me know :D

That goes for anyone too! If you want a layout for your webpage or blog, then please contact me! Depending on the project, I may not bill. I sometimes like to do things for free! But if it's a big project, then we can definitely negotiate a more than fair price! :D *sells herself* If you would like to see some examples, check out my site and a site I am maintaining (new design created by John Momot).

Ok I'm done promoting now LOL :D

Random help links coming soon!

Hey, the team is getting impressive! Welcome our new member Kym

Random geek links of the day...

What's the free world without a little competition? For those enterprise-wide projects, developers may have to choose between these two camps: Sun's Open Net and Microsoft's .Net.

The Big Picture (Web Techniques, May 2001)

Digging into .Net a little deeper:

Applying .Net to Web Services (Web Techniques, May 2001

April 18, 2001

and for something off topic...

Ok, I try to keep on the subject, but this one is for the real 'blogging fan:

Metafilter - "more addictive than crack"

More random sites...

Here's an challenge if I ever saw one: The 5k: an award for excellence in web design and production where "all HTML, script, image, style, and any other associated files must collectively total less than 5 kilobytes..."

And then from there I found a link to Eric Costello's site:

which has an excellent section on CSS Layout Techniques. Check out Eric's weblog while you're there, too.

Random link of the day...

Have you been following the saga of Napster? Ever hear of Gnutella? Has the World Wide Web grown so commercialized that it's no longer the free exchange of thoughts and ideas as it was intended?

P2P, or Peer to Peer applications have no central authority and the computing power is distributed between the users of the application. Here's a couple of places to read more:


April 15, 2001

Random link of the day...

I have no clue how I stumbled onto this site, but there is a wealth of articles and product reviews here! Highly recommended.

Web Page Design for Designers by Joe Gillespie

Welcome to our newest team member, Sarah.

And while on the topic, e-mail's are welcome from anyone that would like to be hosted for free. All you have to do send an e-mail to and be sure to include a paragraph on how you would contribute to the team and perhaps an URL or two of sites you've designed.

It's 3 a.m. and I'm surfing web sites again...

Back to the subject of web design, this site features a tutorial on "Designing for Search Engines." Good article to read, especially with splash pages becoming so popular lately. Keeping a high placement in the search engines is getting harder and harder these days.

Digital Web Magazine

DirWeb is for the vast legions of Macromedia Director users / abusers / wanna-be's, un-flashable, die-hard zealots of the ultimate multimedia authoring tool in this or any other universe. Content is free, dynamic, bannerless, and subtly opinionated. ;-) ....

Thank you for playing !!!

Director Web

April 14, 2001

A bit off topic...

Ok, this isn't about web design, but it might effect many of you that have registered .org domains. VeriSign, new owners of Network Solutions, previously known as InterNIC, is going to spin off the .org top-level domain (TLD) registry. Read more about it: Hands Off My .ORG!

April 13, 2001

Joke site of the day...

Red Meat - from the secret files of Max Cannon

news of note...

Again cruising through the news section, I spotted this little tidbit. Made more interesting since I had previously brought up the topic of the IFRAME tag. Apparently, someone can run malicious HTML code within the IFRAME and exploit a bug within IE. What's the world coming to??? HTML bug hits Internet Explorer

April 08, 2001

Ever wonder where those old browsers of yesterday went ?? Try here.

So what to do with Enterprise Web-Management Software, Content Management Software? Nothing, most of the companies pushing this stuff are doing something you and I already know how to do. Invite them in for a meeting... ask a ton of questions, take many notes, act interested... ask more detailed questions like what "gadgets" or "plug-ins" do they use and how are they written to benefit your company. Ask if they support any of the "gadgets" written, do they test them, what are the chances of them giving you free ones, and do they assist with writing them for your specific company. Be sure to inflate their heads!!! Chances are you will get all the info you need to develop your own Content Management Suite and send these suckas home with just a business card :)

April 07, 2001

joke site of the day...

In the same vein of my previous post: Web is Dead, a play in two acts.
Random note of the day...

Surfing through today's news section, I found this interesting story: Will There Be Any Web Developers Left in 5 Years? And this story: The One Person Web is Dead.

Somewhat related is Ghost Sites - an archive of failed e-commerce.

Oh, I remember the early days (which was a long time ago in "web" years, but really it was just back in 1996) when many a starry eyed youngster saw web design as a way to make it to the rich and famous. How can we know where the web is going in the future until we at understand where it's been?

April 04, 2001

I wanted to throw out some cool sites that use alot of different means of design... , , (good easter fun!!).

April 03, 2001

Just for the record...

The culprit of the Netscape problem appeared to be inline frames. They work fine in IE 4, 5 and Netscape 6 - they don't work in earlier versions of Netscape.

I could use browser detection to reroute older NN browsers to an alternate page, hrmmm....

One thing that should always be considered is the lowest common denominator. As of this blog in the browser industry that denominator can be considered Opera or Netscape. YES folks as much as you may not like it, IE has surpassed Netscape in the browser wars. What does this mean? TESTING !!! UUUGGG you say ! Well, I do too but seriously, a site that looks good only in one browser is simply not good enough in the industry. Of all the nuances I encounter throughout the day the biggest is probably the tables issue with Netscape. Some may call it picky but in true sense it is the correctness of the table that Netscape forces people to deal with. Unless you master the TABLE tag Netscape will be the bain of your existence. HAVE fun and thanks for playing !!!

Ok, so I brought it up. I might as well research the problem and post a link or two about it.

Summary of Browser Detection Techniques
First challenge...

Ok, so this doesn't look the same in Netscape. Should I care? Should I feel challenged enough to fix it? Comments and suggestions encouraged: e-mail ... Why ASP Why ??
Random Comment

Do all web coders stay up until the mad hours of the night? If so why? Is it an obsession to work on a page of code until it's absolutely perfect, even if your sleep becomes deprived? [shrug] So many questions, so little answers.

April 02, 2001

Joke Site of the Day

Ok, it's funny, no doubt. But the real fun is looking at the source code to see how the buttons select the random pages.

Take a peek, you'll see what I mean.

The Online Pregnancy Test
Today's links - part two

DevShed - The Open Source Web Development Site
Daily Surfing

Always looking for online tuturials - here's a decent place for JavaScript - Your home for JavaScript and Dynamic HTML on the Web.
So, first off - let's find some HTML tools.

Excellent text editor, lots of built in tools for coding and integrated HTML-Tidy for cleaning up that code.
Dawn of a New Day

Make it and they will come. So they say. The Internet should be free. Or so we think.

This little project is a small attempt at making that true for five people and to provide a good example of design for others to learn.