April 21, 2001

Random topic of the day...

Let's talk popup windows and see if we can get those pesty little boxes to work the way you want them to. For example, the one I'm using on this page (see the left border) doesn't seem to work on a Macintosh, but it's just dandy in a browser running under Windows (go figure).

Let's start with a couple of tutorials:

Crashcourse in JavaScript - Part One: Pop Up Windows

Web Resources | Tutorials | JavaScript | Popup Tutor

More detail and a little bit of troubleshooting:

Managing JavaScript "popup" windows //codestore

This describes a popup that loads automatically when someone views your page:

Smart Computing | HTML JavaScript Popup

Shoot, why try and figure it out on your own? This script by Michael Wieck does all the work for you:

JavaScript Popup Window Code Generator

Here's the code I get when I use Michael's script:

<a href="javascript:window.open('linktous.html', 'SiteWindow', 'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width=400,height=400')">

Link to Us

Click it and see if it works. :)

So, have you figured out how to do it? Here is what I finally came up with, and yes, it works in both Windows and Macintosh browsers. :)