April 30, 2001

Random topic of the day...

Let's build some web pages using .asp - first assignment, if you should chose to accept it, is to read up on the basics:

WebmasterBase - Getting Started with ASP

Now, you've read the tutorial and it's time to create a simple page using .asp

We're going to do something similiar, but slightly different than the example given (just to make a point that there are many ways to write your script and still have the same end result).

In my example, the code is embedded in the middle of a HTML paragraph:
<p align="center"> Greetings! The time is exactly <% Response.Write Time %> on this server. </p>

Click here for the sample page (go ahead and peak at the source code too).

When you're ready, read on to something more advanced:

WebmasterBase - ASP Language Basics