I've got a web page, now what do I do?
Ok, you've learned a little HTML, you have put together 5 or 6 web pages for your site. How do I get it on the Internet? That's got to be the second most asked question that I get.
If you've got an Internet Service Provider (ISP), you probably got some free web space with your account. Check with your ISP for specifics, but you'll need to use the infamous "File Transfer Protocol" (FTP for short) to send the web pages to a server.
For personal use at home, I've grown to like WS_FTP. There is a free version for non-commercial use:
Free Stuff
Quite a few HTML editing programs have some type of FTP tool built in. Front Page, for example, has a "web publishing tool" which is just another way of saying that you're sending the files to the server via FTP.