April 30, 2001

Random topic of the day...

Let's build some web pages using .asp - first assignment, if you should chose to accept it, is to read up on the basics:

WebmasterBase - Getting Started with ASP

Now, you've read the tutorial and it's time to create a simple page using .asp

We're going to do something similiar, but slightly different than the example given (just to make a point that there are many ways to write your script and still have the same end result).

In my example, the code is embedded in the middle of a HTML paragraph:
<p align="center"> Greetings! The time is exactly <% Response.Write Time %> on this server. </p>

Click here for the sample page (go ahead and peak at the source code too).

When you're ready, read on to something more advanced:

WebmasterBase - ASP Language Basics

Random link of the day...

A brief overview on how spiders work and how you can benefit from them.

TECHNOLOGY: Are Web Spiders Beneficial?

April 28, 2001

Why, how, and where to make your site copyrighted ... http://www.lawgirl.com/copyright.shtml#why

April 26, 2001

Kudos to Sarah for bringing up the issue of web site accessibility! I recently joined the HWG AWARE Center as a volunteer.

The "Accessible Web Authoring Resources and Education" Center is a great resource for learning more about this important topic.

AWARE Center Homepage -- HTML Writers Guild

April 24, 2001

Random link of the day...

Is that web site you're designing this month a target for a lawsuit? Which software package did you use to create your graphics? Food for thought.

Burn All GIFs

April 23, 2001

Another random link...

jonathonrobinson.com. Button monkey?

Random links of the day...

An interesting concept, which I suppose evolved from The Blair Witch Project, is being used to promote a movie being released this summer, A.I.. Now, the official movie web site doesn't really provide much information, neither does the Dream Works fan site. But, apparently there was a clue in the trailer and billboards promoting the movie, which led you to call a phone number, which led you to... Well, you get the idea. Curious? Check out this guide (caution: the guide gives away most of the clues, so don't read too far if you want to try and follow the trail on your own).

So, what does all of this have to do with web design? Well, is this a new genre of entertainment? Is it a big waste of bandwidth and network resources? Is it a good way to promote a product? Food for thought.

April 21, 2001

Hey everybody! This is my first post :-) It's nice to be on board.

For those who don't know, April is Accessibility Awareness month....visit the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative page, to learn more about making your web site accessible! Contrary to popular belief, accessible web sites do not have to be completely text based, and they can, in fact, be very visually appealing. The more you learn about accessibility, the more you'll find that making a site accessible really involves coding properly. This means not misusing tags to achieve special effects, and most of all, learning to separate layout from content. More accessibility links from me are on the way...so stay tuned!
Random topic of the day...

Let's talk popup windows and see if we can get those pesty little boxes to work the way you want them to. For example, the one I'm using on this page (see the left border) doesn't seem to work on a Macintosh, but it's just dandy in a browser running under Windows (go figure).

Let's start with a couple of tutorials:

Crashcourse in JavaScript - Part One: Pop Up Windows

Web Resources | Tutorials | JavaScript | Popup Tutor

More detail and a little bit of troubleshooting:

Managing JavaScript "popup" windows //codestore

This describes a popup that loads automatically when someone views your page:

Smart Computing | HTML JavaScript Popup

Shoot, why try and figure it out on your own? This script by Michael Wieck does all the work for you:

JavaScript Popup Window Code Generator

Here's the code I get when I use Michael's script:

<a href="javascript:window.open('linktous.html', 'SiteWindow', 'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width=400,height=400')">

Link to Us

Click it and see if it works. :)

So, have you figured out how to do it? Here is what I finally came up with, and yes, it works in both Windows and Macintosh browsers. :)

Random Geek link of the day...

Microsoft Kills SP7 for NT4

April 20, 2001

Well it feels wonderful being part of such a great organization! I hope I can contribute to this site as much as I can :D And Darrell.. if you want a layout done for this blog, let me know :D

That goes for anyone too! If you want a layout for your webpage or blog, then please contact me! Depending on the project, I may not bill. I sometimes like to do things for free! But if it's a big project, then we can definitely negotiate a more than fair price! :D *sells herself* If you would like to see some examples, check out my site and a site I am maintaining (new design created by John Momot).

Ok I'm done promoting now LOL :D

Random help links coming soon!

Hey, the team is getting impressive! Welcome our new member Kym

Random geek links of the day...

What's the free world without a little competition? For those enterprise-wide projects, developers may have to choose between these two camps: Sun's Open Net and Microsoft's .Net.

The Big Picture (Web Techniques, May 2001)

Digging into .Net a little deeper:

Applying .Net to Web Services (Web Techniques, May 2001

April 18, 2001

and for something off topic...

Ok, I try to keep on the subject, but this one is for the real 'blogging fan:

Metafilter - "more addictive than crack"

More random sites...

Here's an challenge if I ever saw one: The 5k: an award for excellence in web design and production where "all HTML, script, image, style, and any other associated files must collectively total less than 5 kilobytes..."


And then from there I found a link to Eric Costello's site:


which has an excellent section on CSS Layout Techniques. Check out Eric's weblog while you're there, too.

Random link of the day...

Have you been following the saga of Napster? Ever hear of Gnutella? Has the World Wide Web grown so commercialized that it's no longer the free exchange of thoughts and ideas as it was intended?

P2P, or Peer to Peer applications have no central authority and the computing power is distributed between the users of the application. Here's a couple of places to read more:



April 15, 2001

Random link of the day...

I have no clue how I stumbled onto this site, but there is a wealth of articles and product reviews here! Highly recommended.

Web Page Design for Designers by Joe Gillespie

Welcome to our newest team member, Sarah.

And while on the topic, e-mail's are welcome from anyone that would like to be hosted for free. All you have to do send an e-mail to darrell@randompsycho.org and be sure to include a paragraph on how you would contribute to the team and perhaps an URL or two of sites you've designed.

It's 3 a.m. and I'm surfing web sites again...

Back to the subject of web design, this site features a tutorial on "Designing for Search Engines." Good article to read, especially with splash pages becoming so popular lately. Keeping a high placement in the search engines is getting harder and harder these days.

Digital Web Magazine

DirWeb is for the vast legions of Macromedia Director users / abusers / wanna-be's, un-flashable, die-hard zealots of the ultimate multimedia authoring tool in this or any other universe. Content is free, dynamic, bannerless, and subtly opinionated. ;-) ....

Thank you for playing !!!

Director Web

April 14, 2001

A bit off topic...

Ok, this isn't about web design, but it might effect many of you that have registered .org domains. VeriSign, new owners of Network Solutions, previously known as InterNIC, is going to spin off the .org top-level domain (TLD) registry. Read more about it: Hands Off My .ORG!

April 13, 2001

Joke site of the day...

Red Meat - from the secret files of Max Cannon

news of note...

Again cruising through the news section, I spotted this little tidbit. Made more interesting since I had previously brought up the topic of the IFRAME tag. Apparently, someone can run malicious HTML code within the IFRAME and exploit a bug within IE. What's the world coming to???

vnunet.com HTML bug hits Internet Explorer

April 08, 2001

Ever wonder where those old browsers of yesterday went ?? Try here.

So what to do with Enterprise Web-Management Software, Content Management Software? Nothing, most of the companies pushing this stuff are doing something you and I already know how to do. Invite them in for a meeting... ask a ton of questions, take many notes, act interested... ask more detailed questions like what "gadgets" or "plug-ins" do they use and how are they written to benefit your company. Ask if they support any of the "gadgets" written, do they test them, what are the chances of them giving you free ones, and do they assist with writing them for your specific company. Be sure to inflate their heads!!! Chances are you will get all the info you need to develop your own Content Management Suite and send these suckas home with just a business card :)


April 07, 2001

joke site of the day...

In the same vein of my previous post: Web is Dead, a play in two acts.
Random note of the day...

Surfing through today's news section, I found this interesting story: Will There Be Any Web Developers Left in 5 Years? And this story: The One Person Web is Dead.

Somewhat related is Ghost Sites - an archive of failed e-commerce.

Oh, I remember the early days (which was a long time ago in "web" years, but really it was just back in 1996) when many a starry eyed youngster saw web design as a way to make it to the rich and famous. How can we know where the web is going in the future until we at understand where it's been?

April 04, 2001

I wanted to throw out some cool sites that use alot of different means of design... www.vir2l.com , www.k10k.com , www.ei2ei.com (good easter fun!!).

April 03, 2001

Just for the record...

The culprit of the Netscape problem appeared to be inline frames. They work fine in IE 4, 5 and Netscape 6 - they don't work in earlier versions of Netscape.

I could use browser detection to reroute older NN browsers to an alternate page, hrmmm....

One thing that should always be considered is the lowest common denominator. As of this blog in the browser industry that denominator can be considered Opera or Netscape. YES folks as much as you may not like it, IE has surpassed Netscape in the browser wars. What does this mean? TESTING !!! UUUGGG you say ! Well, I do too but seriously, a site that looks good only in one browser is simply not good enough in the industry. Of all the nuances I encounter throughout the day the biggest is probably the tables issue with Netscape. Some may call it picky but in true sense it is the correctness of the table that Netscape forces people to deal with. Unless you master the TABLE tag Netscape will be the bain of your existence. HAVE fun and thanks for playing !!!

Ok, so I brought it up. I might as well research the problem and post a link or two about it.

Summary of Browser Detection Techniques
First challenge...

Ok, so this doesn't look the same in Netscape. Should I care? Should I feel challenged enough to fix it? Comments and suggestions encouraged: e-mail
15seconds.com ... Why ASP Why ??
Random Comment

Do all web coders stay up until the mad hours of the night? If so why? Is it an obsession to work on a page of code until it's absolutely perfect, even if your sleep becomes deprived? [shrug] So many questions, so little answers.

April 02, 2001

Joke Site of the Day

Ok, it's funny, no doubt. But the real fun is looking at the source code to see how the buttons select the random pages.

Take a peek, you'll see what I mean.

The Online Pregnancy Test
Today's links - part two

DevShed - The Open Source Web Development Site
Daily Surfing

Always looking for online tuturials - here's a decent place for JavaScript

WebCoder.com - Your home for JavaScript and Dynamic HTML on the Web.
So, first off - let's find some HTML tools.

Excellent text editor, lots of built in tools for coding and integrated HTML-Tidy for cleaning up that code.
Dawn of a New Day

Make it and they will come. So they say. The Internet should be free. Or so we think.

This little project is a small attempt at making that true for five people and to provide a good example of design for others to learn.