Just for fun, I thought I'd buy one of these little Raspbian kits and get back into using Linux (and maybe learn some Python and Perl and the way). In fact, I'm posting this today from the RaspPi! Cool stuff but not as easy out-of-the-box like Ubuntu 12.04.
So, blogging some steps that I took to customize and optimize Raspbian:
1) Installed Iceweasel (version of Firefox) and moved cache and profile to RAM disk (surf the web much faster!) - Firefox Ramdisk
2) Added some new shortcuts to the desktop (I'm using the default LXDE desktop GUI) using LXShortCut and added/modified the program menu with LXPanel
3) Oops, I deleted the log-out button from the panel! Never did find a graphical way to put the button back, but did find out how to restore. Rename the directory ~/.config/lxpanel (to something like ~/.config/lxpanel_bad) and reboot. LXDE will create a new panel from the default configuration. Note the dot in .config (it's normally a hidden directory).
Next up is to clone my SD card so I have a copy of Raspbian just the way I have it setup now in case I screw things up again!