November 07, 2013

Customizing Ubuntu

Just for future reference, I'm going to try and list all the different software packages I've added to Ubuntu now I've got it installed on this old laptop.

I must say, installing and customizing things on Ubuntu is much easier than the last time I tried using a flavor of Linux (Redhat back around 2006 or so).

Here's the list so far:

  • Oracle Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 7
  • Eclipse, using the Ubuntu Software Center, got an older version (Indigo), but that's ok with me
  • Wikipedia Lens
  • OpenSSH server
  • Gimp
  • Lightweight Java Game Library (lwjgl) by following this link
  • Boot-Up Manager (BUM)
  • ClassicMenu Indicator
  • Kompozer
  • XChat-GNOME
  • FileZilla (I know it's got FTP built in, but I like FileZilla anyway)
That's it for now, but I'm sure to find some more toys to download and install.