How strange a coincidence is this? Just a few days after I decided to try Dropbox (motivated by my need to share documents from a laptop to my Kindle), UbuntuOne announces they are dropping the music and file sharing service.
I really enjoyed the ease of sharing my documents, music and photos between a laptop running Ubuntu and my Windows 7 laptop for free (I had earned 25 GB of cloud storage from UbuntuOne by buying some music from their service).
Is it worth upgrading the free 2 GB plan on Dropbox to the 100 GB level? That's the smallest plan they offer and really more than I need.
Throw in the mix that I've got free space on Apple iCloud, Microsoft's SkyDrive and have been using Amazon Cloud Drive for several years now. Amazon's service works great between the Mac and Windows ... can I find a way to integrate it with Ubuntu and Linux Mint?
More to follow, I'm sure.