February 19, 2014

Malware, Local File Insertion and PHP

Getting back into some web development once again.  I've been playing around with some simple CMS applications for blogging, etc.  On one new site, I installed Pixie, which seems to be a nice solution (plus I just like trying out things that are of British origin).

On the new micro server, I installed tinyCMS to try it out.  Getting it setup and working properly can be a topic of another post, but I was doing a little research on the security of the application.  Seems it does have some documented vulnerabilities, along with WordPress and the TinyMCE editor.

In the course of looking at this, I came across this post that suggested some things to help make the PHP more secure. Specifically by disabling these functions in the php.ini:   

disable_functions = create_function,gzinflate,eval,base64_decode

Good reading and never hurts to a least try to keep the sites a little more secure.