It's been simmering under the radar for quite some time, but now it's hitting the front pages of major news outlets: #GamerGate, online mobs and harassment of women (and anyone expressing critical opinion).
Here's the path that lead me down the rabbit hole:
Why the Trolls Will Always Win
Doesn't take much searching to then find:
5 Things I Learned as the Internet's Most Hated Person
Another Woman In Gaming Flees Home Following Death Threats
Searching on names that keep coming up in these articles:
Anita Sarkeesian shares the most radical thing you can do to support women online
And now the New York Times:
Feminist Critics of Video Games Facing Threats in ‘GamerGate’ Campaign
Has this reached critical mass where leaders in the multi-billion dollar industry of gaming need to step up and take a stand against harassment? Check out the new hashtag on Twitter that is getting attention: #StopGamerGate2014 - can real change start to take hold?