December 24, 2015

Yes, #ESP8266 Can Now Be Easy

Take an ESP-01 module + breadboard adapter + USB-to-Serial board = Fun!

The First #Microprocessor Chips and the F-14 Tomcat

Ray Holt developed one of the first microprocessor chip sets for Garrett AiResearch's Central Air Data Computer for use in the F-14 Tomcat from 1968 to 1970. This was classified information and was not made public until in the 90's. Check out the Bugbook Museum blog for the story!

December 22, 2015

Buying Your First Board

Looking to start a DIY electronics project? Interested in learning more about AVR microcontroller boards? I take a look at several different options for buying your first board.

December 19, 2015

First Look at the RedBoard

December 17, 2015

Are Credit Cards with a Chip Safer?

The new chip card readers are starting to show up in retails stores now. The assumption is that the credit card users are being better protected. But, how true is that?

First Look at the Raspberry Pi Zero