July 09, 2014

Favorite Quote of the Day

"Joining a Facebook group about creative productivity is like buying a chair about jogging." 

Merlin Mann @hotdogsladies via Twitter

While you're on break (and not supposed to be working), go on over and visit Merlin Mann's web site: 43 Folders

July 08, 2014

Web 2.0 Relics

Just when you think you understand something, then it goes and changes. So true with technology and the web.

Not so long ago (although some would say otherwise), just being able to create your own web page with Notepad or vi was cool (really, it was!). Then the web became more dynamic with HTML 4 and Javascript. Cue up the browser wars next and then - Web 2.0 - the social web!  All along the way great debates about usability and design would sprout up.  Good design always plays an important role.

Where are we now and is design moving forward into Web 2.1?  Sam Solomon blogs about Why I'm Done with Social Media Buttons and gives some insight about where things should be going next.

Meanwhile, the rest of us that are not on the cutting edge just muddle along.

P.S. Not to forget, the concept of the semantic web still exists, it's just not the same buzzword it used to be.

P.S.S. Still might be ahead of it's time, but also check out the Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project.

July 02, 2014

Microsoft Backpedals

In the aftermath of the NSA scandal, several large IT companies are trying to minimize the consumer backlash, so it seems.  In this article about Microsoft's latest attempts to tighten security, they ramp up encryption of popular services.

As quoted from this blog: "Our goal is to provide even greater protection for data across all the great Microsoft services you use and depend on every day." Signs of Microsoft addressing customer issues, perhaps?

Even back in December, 2013 Microsoft began the damage control on the official TechNet blog - "Many of our customers have serious concerns about government surveillance of the Internet. We share their concerns."

Is this Microsoft "doing the right thing" or damage control?

Helps if I could spell "backpedals" correctly too!