May 30, 2006

Office 2007

This alone may make it worth upgrading to Office 2007 when it's released: Support for the PDF Format in Office “12”

May 11, 2006

Startup programs

Just saving this for future reference. Does a good job of covering how programs load at startup and what to do about it: Startup Program Loading
Buzz words

Amateurization - that's a new word (to me anyway). There wasn't anything on it on, but there's this interesting blurb: (Weblogs and) The Mass Amateurisation of (Nearly) Everything... (

We all know where the Web has been, but where is it going in this post-tech-bubble-burst world?

May 08, 2006

Hex Colors

I'm always searching for one of these charts. Might as well blog it so I can find this one again.

Web Design Group's RGB Values Page
Back to Blogging

So, I decided to get back to this blog's original purpose, keeping track of interesting web design and scripting sites.

I'm currently working on a page for accepting credit card payments. For developing the validation script, here's a good place to start: Credit Card Check Digit Validation.