August 30, 2006

DTV will just have to wait
This was supposed to be the year all analog channels were to be retired. The new "firm" date is February 17, 2009.

Also in the works is a Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Coupon program to help ease the transition for those that do not HDTV sets.

Read more about it here: DTV In The News (FCC sponsored web site).

May 30, 2006

Office 2007

This alone may make it worth upgrading to Office 2007 when it's released: Support for the PDF Format in Office “12”

May 11, 2006

Startup programs

Just saving this for future reference. Does a good job of covering how programs load at startup and what to do about it: Startup Program Loading
Buzz words

Amateurization - that's a new word (to me anyway). There wasn't anything on it on, but there's this interesting blurb: (Weblogs and) The Mass Amateurisation of (Nearly) Everything... (

We all know where the Web has been, but where is it going in this post-tech-bubble-burst world?

May 08, 2006

Hex Colors

I'm always searching for one of these charts. Might as well blog it so I can find this one again.

Web Design Group's RGB Values Page
Back to Blogging

So, I decided to get back to this blog's original purpose, keeping track of interesting web design and scripting sites.

I'm currently working on a page for accepting credit card payments. For developing the validation script, here's a good place to start: Credit Card Check Digit Validation.