December 05, 2003

Print this Page...please
I've seen a few different ways to make an "Print this Page" script. This one from "4 Guys from Rolla" shows a simple method that could easily adapted to most sites: How the 'Print this Page' Script Works

And here's a way to do this with a Javascript Print Ready Page Script on
People are basically...Good or Bad?
It's the age old question, if given the chance, are people basically good or bad? Well, when it comes to user input on a web form, the author of this article warns us to expect the worse: Encode User Input Before Outputting it to a Page - Or Else!

December 01, 2003

And for those that just want to jump straight to the November 2003 Cumulative Security Update: 824145 - MS03-048: November 2003 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer

10 Reasons not to surf the web...

Seriously though, if this keeps up, people will just stop looking at web pages, especially with Internet Explorer. I heard some some talk about this on IRC and now it's in the news: 'Critical' IE Security Warning Released

It just gives us that develop web sites a bad name.