November 29, 2003

Something new, not necessarily blue...

Ever wanted to add a comments section to your Blogger page? Here's one way of doing it if you are hosting on IIS: blogcomments, an ASP based commenting system for weblogs

I have tested blogcomments on this site and it is easy to setup and utilize. Give it a try and leave a comment.

Updated May, 2004 - Sorry, I removed this example of blogcomments in favor of the new comment system being implemented by Blogger. More to come on that topic.

November 20, 2003

I came across this page recently...some of these are no-brainers, but all are pretty important things to keep in mind when working with CSS. I've found it helpful.

CSS Crib Sheet

November 15, 2003

Automate your CSS

Using different style sheets to match the reader's browser could help fix some design flaws and make your site appear more consistant. Of course, you have to know what browsers support which CSS rules. Unfortunately, not all of the web browsers like to place nice with the W3 standards (I'll resist naming any one particular company).

Displaying Stylesheets Dynamically