August 20, 2003

Publishing made easy

Here's two content management systems (CMS) that are either free or low cost:

CityDesk: Desktop Content Management

eZ publish Open Source Content Management System (CMS)

And an article that tells you all about eZ publish: eZ publish 3.1: Take It For A Spin

August 12, 2003

Perl for the masses

Here's an excellent online course that also covers security issues when using CGI: Ovid's Web Programming Using Perl

August 02, 2003

Big Brother is just around the corner

And I'm not talking about the TV show. George Orwell may have been off by 20 years, but I think what he predicted is soon to be reality.

FBI targets Net phoning: "if broadband providers cannot isolate specific VOIP calls to and from individual users, they must give police access to the 'full pipe'--"