April 30, 2003

Here's an interesting tutorial from SitePoint which even includes source code: Create Your Own Guestbook In ASP.NET

April 23, 2003

ASP.NET 101: PostBacks

So, let's go down the .NET path and explore some of the new things that are available. First off, designing and posting to web-based forms has taken on a new dimension. You can write code to add function to your page and simply post back to the orginal .aspx page. At the same time, let's introduce the asp:panel tag. Rendered by the .NET server as a DIV, you can call each panel by it's ID attribute inside your code.

In this first example, let's make a simple form to collect a user's information. When the form is submitted, we will hide the original form and replace it with a new asp:panel containing new HTML created with the newly gathered data. So, make the first panel visible like so: asp:panel id="panelSurvey" runat="server" Visible="True" and further down the page, make the second panel hidden asp:panel id="panelAfterPost" runat="server" Visible="False".

In our VB code, we will simply swap the Visible attribute:

script runat="server"
Sub Button_Click(sender as Object, e as EventArgs)
If Page.IsPostBack then
End If
End Sub

Try out the page here or view the source code.

April 02, 2003

Everything you'd ever want to know about registering domain names: Domain Guru

WHOIS your daddy?

Ok, I think that I've overused that line. But hey, this is an interesting article on building your own lookup tool using C# - Build a WHOIS Lookup in ASP.NET