January 29, 2003

Got .NET?

I asked that question a couple of months back and now we can say "yes we do" here at randompsycho.org. So get ready for a whole bunch of posts about ASP.NET and C#. So lets dive into the Top 5 .NET Newbie Questions and Answers.

January 28, 2003

Fine tune your Server

So, you've set up your first web server with IIS. What next? Here's some tips: ASP 101 - Ten Ways to Make the Most of IIS

January 26, 2003

Actually, tweeking this spiffy little feedback form has been educational. After gettting the basics to work, I wanted to validate the form to check for empty fields (don't you just hate those e-mail with nothing in them?).

As one would expect, there's lots of tutorials on that subject, using either JavaScript or VBScript. Here's one using the VBS:
ASP Form validation

Since I mentioned the e-mail form that I added to this site, here's a tutorial on how to use the free JMail component with IIS:

How to send email using JMail from Active Server Pages (ASP)

January 25, 2003

Build it and they will (not) come?

As the randompsycho.org web server gets upgraded to the .NET framework this weekend, I ponder the question: "Is the web design world ready for .NET?" I personally will be making an attempt at learning asp.NET and C# and therefore will be blogging more posts on the topic.

Your comments are welcome. I even stuck in a spiffy feedback form in the lower right-hand corner.

Poll results: Not yet for .NET?

Cool web tricks

Ever see one of those pages with the cool popup box when you mouse-over a link? Not just the little trick that Internet Explorer does if you include the "title" attribute to an "a" anchor tag, but a real popup box with a caption and colors, etc. I tried searching Google for it, but never got the right combination of keywords to find such a creature.

Well, I finally tracked it down and it's a free JavaScript anyone can use: overLIB

January 22, 2003

OOP: The web of the future?

Things have come a long way from simply learning some HTML and then using FTP to upload files on a Unix server. This article is part of a series on how to get up to speed with the new big thing, ASP.NET:

Object Oriented C# for ASP.NET Developers

Here's a good article for those of you that use Dreamweaver:

Customize Dreamweaver to Your Needs

January 15, 2003

If you're a web developer working on a government contract, you've had to heard of Section 508 by now. Here's some some good reading on the topic:

Tips for managing Section 508 testing

Hosting your own with Linux? The latest version of Red Hat offers a new GUI interface:

Easily configure Red Hat 8 and Apache
Newbie 101

I stumbled on this site quite by accident. Includes a "free" area that covers the basics and they sell a companion book and CD-ROM.

PageTutor.com: HTML Tutorials & Javascript

Everyone needs a program for making thumbnails of their favorite photos, right? The bonus here is this one is free:

Easy Thumbnails Software

January 08, 2003

More JavaScript Tricks

Anyone with feedback or a guestbook as part of their web site could benefit from client side form validation. The article is also a good introduction to using this in passing form values to your function:

Form Validation on the Client Side