September 26, 2002

And for all you .ASP coders out there...
Essential ASP Hints and Tips

The Dom-father, Part 2

Just in case you didn't get enough from the first article, here's a link to the next installment:

Rough Guide to the DOM - Part 2

September 25, 2002

SPAM Attack!

SPAM is everywhere! When will this ever end? Never. The big thing now is to exploit the very popular Perl script FormMail. If you have ever hosted a web site on a Unix/Linux based server, you've probably either seen or used this script.

FormMail is a generic HTML form to e-mail gateway that sends the results of a form to the specified users. Version 1.6 has some well known security flaws. If you are using this script, you need to upgrade. Soon.

Matt's Script Archive: FormMail

As an alternative, there is a totally rewritten version from the nms Project:

Matt's Script Archive: nms Project

September 17, 2002

Who's your DOM?

To really use JavaScript and CSS well, you need to understand the Document Object Model. Unfortunately, the history of the DOM has been rocky since the major browsers have not implimented it consistantly. Standards have been developed and this author shows some examples using the open-source browser Mozilla.

Rough Guide to the DOM - Part 1

Objects, functions, methods - Oh My!

Still yet another JavaScript tutorial with part one covering some of the basics of JS Objects and Functions. I've read quite a few tutorials and written one or two myself. What I'm noticing is that each author has a different "slant" on how to do things. Isn't programming wonderful?

JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming Part 1

September 06, 2002


Yes, I have been hacked. Well, my computer here at home where I view my e-mail, anyway. I think it started with one of those SPAM e-mails that will auto-launch a new browser window. Then, the web page that gets loaded in the popup exploits a security hole in Internet Explorer that allows a Registry entry. This little line in the Registry subsequently sets your browser's home page and search page (most likely to a porno site) every time you reboot. It took me a few times to finally track this little bugger down. The one that I was infected with is called HTML/Oprad and I found other similiar exploits, Reg_Startpage.A and Trojan.Winreg.Start.

These trojans take advantage of security hole in Internet Explorer versions 4 and 5. Read the security bulletin and then download the Microsoft patch here.

If you think you've already been infected, search on Google using the keyword OPQFile. You'll find lots of tips on how to root that little annoyance out of your system.