January 31, 2002

Been hacked lately?

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the cliche goes. This handy little tool from Microsoft checks your NT 4.0, Win2K and WinXP servers and lets you know what patches need to be installed and/or updated.

Microsoft Network Security Hotfix Checker (HFNetChk) version 3.3 - 17 Jan 2002

January 16, 2002

This is pretty spiffy. I've seen several sites that have customized their scrollbar colors to match the page layout, but this adds a new twist to that idea:

Dynamic Drive- onMouseover scrollbar effect

It's 2002 and if you haven't started using CSS in all of your web site designs, you really should be. My advice for the newcomer is to learn both CSS and XHTML and keep up to date with the standards.

WebmasterBase - CSS Is Easy!

WebmasterBase - XHTML - An Introduction

Random link of the day

This is just hilarious to me - apparently it's important to win a popularity poll, no matter what!

ZDNet |UK| - News - Story - .Net vote rigging illustrates importance of Web services

January 13, 2002

Happy New Year from the randompsycho.org team!