December 20, 2001

Meta tag 101

I've read so much hype on "how to improve your position in the search engines" in the past few years. It's a fact that there isn't a "single" method to do so and even if that "magic formula" existed, it would have been long since been abused by unethical spammers. This article finally starts to tell the truth about meta tags:

meta keyword tag and search engine optimization

How many is too much?

I've never quite got an exact answer to this question, but how many virtual servers can you host on one Internet Information Server? This article attempts to answer that burning question:

ISP-Planet - What IIS the Limit?

Here is an interesting mini-tutorial on controlling your pop-up window using .ASP code:

HTML Pop Ups and ASP-Tutorials at

December 18, 2001

Windows XP is out and all the major PC manufactures are bundling this new OS with units being sold. According to some, there are major security issues with this new release:

Microsoft Does Not Understand Security

And here is Microsoft's official reponse to this issue:

Microsoft TechNet

Do you know who's trying to hack your server today?

Interesting article on some .ASP exploits. Don't automatically assume that those User ID's and passwords are safe inside your .ASP code:

ZDNet: Excuse Me, But Your ASP Is Showing

December 06, 2001

HTML 101

For those just getting started with coding HTML, this is a good resource (this "e-book" is in .PDF format - check out if you need the free Acrobat reader).

HTML and JavaScript for Visual Learners

Fool me once, shame on me...

Apparently disguising a worm/virus as a screen saver is an effective way of tricking people to click on an e-mail attachment:

Goner computer worm not a goner yet

Check your wallet...

One of the new trends on the web are authentication services for e-commerce. Not a big concern if you're not selling anything on the web, but for many web developers working on commercial web sites, it is.

As par for course, one software behemoth is trying to monopolize this technology by bundling it into their OS. But there is an alternative movement out there, the Liberty Alliance:

AOL joins Liberty Alliance